Paintings by Georgie Robertson Nadler, b.1890 – d.1984

My grandmother’s paintings adorn the walls of family members and friends across the South. Georgie’s watercolors, pastels, and oils were painted during the years from 1912-1971. She lived in the West Indies from 1912-1944, painting colorful flowers from her gardens. From 1944-1971 she lived in Baton Rouge and New Orleans where she added portraits to her portfolio.

Georgie R. Nadler copied Renoir’s Romaine Lacaux and inserted the beautiful face of her granddaughter, Joanna.

Georgie Robertson Nadler’s illustrations in the LSU Gumbo yearbook can be seen here: Illustrations by Georgie Robertson Nadler 1908 – 1911 – E. B. Shelton

Georgie Robertson Nadler’s final project remained unfinished. She began my portrait while sitting in a recliner in our TV room when I was nine years old. I couldn’t wait for her to finish it, but the next time I saw her, she was being moved by medical transport into our home following a stroke. She never painted again, but for a while she was able to share her stories with me. Thank you, Mama Georgie.

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